Saving Money with Campus Book Rentals!

As you may know, I just recently graduated college in December.  So the whole spending-100s-of-dollars-every-semester-for-stupid-textbooks is still very fresh in my mind!!

So, when asked me to write a post about their services, I was eager to share about them for all my other friends and readers who are still in school and have to buy so many books each semester!!

Some of the perks about Campus Book Rentals are:
-You save 40%-90% off of bookstore prices
-There is free shipping BOTH ways
-You can highlight in the books
-There are flexible renting periods
-AND they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented!

Operation Smile is an organization that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. With Campus Book Rentals you can save money on expensive book store prices and STILL are helping to make a difference for an important charity!

So how good are these prices?  Well, for example, check out this book
Principles of Marketing (13th Edition), Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 0136079415
It retails for $192.00. But with campus book rentals, you can get it for only $18.22 for a whole semester!! 

That's crazy. Why didn't I know about this when I was still in school?? Plus, you don't have to worry about having to sell the book back at the end of the semester, only to find that the book store doesn't accept your edition anymore.  I STILL have textbooks I'm trying to get rid of because of that. You just ship your books back to Campus Book Rentals are you're done with it!

Still have some questions? Check out these funny FAQ's:


College kids, does this seem like something you would use?

This is a sponsored post.  All ideas are 100% mine. 


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