Enjoying & Not Enjoying

Things I've been enjoying lately:

  • My husband. Seriously. We've almost been married for six months now and it has been the best experience I have ever had  :)
 Man I love him :)
  • Our outdoor space. We live in a town home but we are on the end of a row at the top of the neighborhood so our backyard is very secluded.  I'll have to post some pictures in the day...but it's so nice to sit outback with wine and ice cream on a nice summer night with our tiki torches :)

  • Wine in general. We went wine tasting at four local wineries this summer. Look at all the yumminess we brought back!! om nom nom.
  • Reading. Now that I'm done college, wedding planning, and have mostly settled into our home I have SO much more time to read.  

  • Working more on my craft room! I almost have all the big things done...now it's just time to decorate a bit :) For the past week I've been a spray painting pro. Here's a peek at some of the spray paint-ation. Doesn't look like much now but it will be cool when put together :)

Things I've Not Been Enjoying Lately (sans crappy phone pics):

  • Post-Marriage weight gain. Ugh. I've had too much fine trying to impress the hubby with my new found culinary skills.  I need to start pinning healthier recipes to my food board.
  • People trying to get deals out of me in my etsy shop. I understand you are getting married and need 10 of the same necklaces.  But I price my stuff fairly, and if I give you a discount I will not pay myself anything for my time, and that's just not cool, yo. Especially when that time could be spent snuggling.  So stop asking. Thanks.
  • Hubby groping me in public. Hah! True Story: at a friend's wedding this summer. Sitting in the front of church.  Wedding over. Our row dismissed.  We all stand to exit.  Hubby smacks my butt. In the church. In front of everyone else. Me in a forced whisper: Shawn! You can't smack my butt in church! Hubby: Sure I can! We're married! God's like- 'Go Shawn! She's your wife!" Sigh. This event was followed by a boob grab while dancing at another wedding this summer. I really need to teach this man some public-appropriate manners.
  • The whiteness of my legs. Seriously. Summer's almost over and I have zero tan. It's ok though. Haven't you heard pasty is the new tan?     ...Yeah...I haven't either :-/

Ok. That's all for now. Your turn: one enjoying & one not enjoying. Go! :)


  1. Haha I love this post, I'm not married but my boyfriend (nudge nudge) acts completely the same! Silly men! I'm jealous of your wine touring and craft room! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  2. I read The Fountainhead this summer! It was so good! :) I am enjoying married life too! But not enjoying unemployment. I'm super bored and lonely! Missing you, Becca!

  3. Um...I have the white legs goin on too.

  4. You can be happy that your white legs mean that you are not in danger of getting skin cancer! But seriously, I really miss you!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting this fun, girly party. Loved your features! Have a great week!

  6. so cute!! love love love that you love love love being married :) Isn't it the best?!

    PS - totally hear you on the weight gain thing...I gained over 30 pounds in 3 years (10 a year) and am working hard on losing it now!! Frustrating!! :(

    What local wineries did you like best?! That's on our "to do list" for the fall!! :)
