Our New Puppy

Meet Jefferson

He's a medium sized Golden Doodle

He was breed with a Golden Retriever and 18-pound poodle and should grow up to be about 30-40 pounds

He's a little over two months old...


He's pretty snuggly :)

And a little bit of a daddy's boy...

Because sometimes mommy can't stand that he pees and poops on the floor 5 times a day and gets into EVERYTHING and eats socks and rocks and tissues and jackets and EVERYTHING

But...when he falls asleep under our coffee table...

And then someone pulls him halfway out and he just keeps on sleeping...

It's hard not to love him. Especially when he looks this adorable hanging out in the back of hubby's jeep with hubby's brother..

Yes, I do love you very much little Jefferson :)

It's nice feeling like hubby and I have a little family now :) I think it's going to keep me from wanted to get pregnant for longer, LOL!

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  1. ooooh my these pictures are just SO CUTE! I absolutely love the one where he's pulled out a little from the coffee table - ahh!

    Isn't is so fun how a dog makes you feel like you have a "true family" all of the sudden?? Love it!!

  2. So cute! And you will not be sorry, having a dog is so great for your life: more snuggle time, someone to talk to when your man isn't at home, lots of fresh air... (okay, the poop part... erk). We adopted our Coca in April and wouldn't want to live without her.

  3. Hahaha--my sister's dog's name is Jefferson too!
    And hide your books. Puppies like to "read" (sigh).

  4. Oh my gosh, he is adorable! He looks like a little teddy bear under the coffee table! I just want to eat him up.

  5. OMG He is so CUTE! Snuggly dogs are the best!

  6. So cute! A drag line (short rope/leash) and a crate does wonders for puppy obedience. You keep them right with you while they're awake and can step on the line if they bolt away. Crate sounds mean but dogs are den animals and they like the security. It just needs to be their "bedroom" vs. a punishment. Good luck!

  7. Congrats! He's absolutely adorable.
    If you live near a Pet's Mart I highly recommend taking their puppy training class. (and no I'm not affiliated) I learned so many good tips for training and its a fun bonding experience too. Plus it is good socilization for the dogs. and it tires them out which is always a plus :)

  8. He's gorgeous! We have a Cockapoo and they look very similar :) Enjoy... and hide your shoes... and books...

    Hide everything.

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·`¤... Jennifer

  9. He's adorable! We have two golden doodles one weighs 37 pounds and the other is 65. They are the nicest dogs ever. We have never had a problem with them chewing on things as long as they get enough exercise and have plenty of toys of their own. The smaller one did go through o phase of eating toilet paper, though! Enjoy him, he will be your best dog ever.

  10. Congratulations on the addition to your family! He's so adorable and seems like a ton of fun already.

  11. He is adorable! I am the Aunt to a goldendoodle--and he is just the sweetest thing ever! He is probably 50-60 lbs--his head can sit on the countertop!

  12. He is the cutest little puppy!
    Love the name too!

  13. How adorable is this little guy:) I love his little outfit!Puppies are so much to have.

  14. OMG he is the most adorable little bun! And I love that picture of him spooning with his daddy. Of course, that will get somewhat more challenging as he gets bigger. My little guy did that when he was little, and now we are thinking about upgrading from a queen to a king sized bed in order to make enough space for the dog in the middle!

    And I firmly believe that the process of "training" a puppy not to chew on things is actually the process of "training" the parents not to leave things around that they don't want chewed :-)

  15. Congrats with your little new puppy. He's SO adorable, and the his curly fur! Good uçk with little Jefferson

  16. We've had standard poodles(45 lbs) most lovey and tolerant dogs ever. Had same problem with training. Try putting sleigh bells by the door, associate it with going out to pee, etc. He'll do it! So cute! Check with vet about food re: poop problem. For us it was the food. Enjoy him,he looks so like ours at that age! Janet

  17. Oh my goodness! Your puppy is so stinkin' cute!! Congrats on becoming a puppy mom!! Please bombard all posts with 5 photos daily.

  18. Train him to wake you up in the middle of the night to be sure you took your pill. Haa!!! ;)
    He's. So. Stinkin'!!! ADORABLE!!!! I would totally dognap him.

  19. WE have a poodle bichon mix:) He looked a lot like your pup when he was small:) Super cute!!!!!! Pic at my post

  20. P.S> we bought a nice sized crate for our puppy and if he peed and pooped, which took a lot of walking, smelling and circling outside, he was allowed out to meander around the house for longer spells. Our poodle mix is super smart, loves to play, plays hide and seek with toys now he's so smart. But he chewed everything in the beginning, we bought durable toys and bones like kong for this. Also stubborn, doesn't like rain. Made potty outside tricky in winter:)

  21. One more ting on diet:) My brother's family also has a golden doodle. He and I found our poodle mixes have a super sensitive stomach. For both of our dogs it took feeding science diet beef for us to get regular poops with them:) I've also had luck with Iams dry puppy food:)

  22. This kind of post is always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so I'm happy to find many good points here in your post. Writing is simply great! Thank you for the post.

    Kind Regards,

    Elayne Taylor
    Housebreaking a Puppy
