Hello, and welcome to my fourth edition of WIWW. This week, I took a picture of every outfit, every day!
Aren't you proud of me? :)
Sweater: Kohls. Skirt: Rue 21: Leggings: Charlotte Rousse. Boots: Payless. Necklace: Made by moi.
Question: does this skirt hit me at the wrong spot? I'm pretty hippy (and no, not in the free love kinda way) so normally I try to accent my waist, not mid drift area where this belt hits. Does it still look ok?
Sweater: OLD NAVY CLEARANCE FOR 6 BUCKS WHOOO. Jeans: Delias. Cami: American Eagle. Boots: Payless. Necklace: off a shirt I got in Ireland.
Now, don't you all be jealous of my fuggs. Even my mother has real uggs. Sigh. Whatever.
Sweater: Some boutique in Cali. Tee: Kohls. Scarf: Vendor in Paris. Jeans: Delias. Boots: Boutique in France. Earrings: Ireland
I'm feeling pretty foreign in this outfit. California (not really foreign, but far away from me!), France, and Ireland all mixed into one! I love those little rose earrings. Super cute.
Shirt: Someplace in Cali. Pants: College Bookstore. Boots: Payless
Yeah...I had a hot date with the library all day writing a paper....so, I didn't get bothered to dress nice!
Dress: Costco. Cami: Charlotte Rousse. Tights: France. Shoes: Payless. Necklace: Made by moi.
Don't you just lurrrrve my new necklace?? Well, I do :) I did a tutorial on how to make it here.
Not so sure about these white tights. I kinda feel like I'm a little girl again when I wear them. They actually turned brown when I slipped and fell in the snow/mud on my way to go shopping. . Doesn't change how I feel about them though.. hrumph. stupid snow.
Sweater: OLD NAVY CLEARANCE FOR 5 BUCKS BABY. Cami: Charlotte Rousse. Jeans: Old Navy. Boots: Payless. Necklace/Earrings: Cloud 9.
Shirt: Charlotte Rousse. Jeggins: OLD NAVY CLEARANCE FOR 6.50 WOOT. Boots: Payless. Bangles: H&M and New York and Company
First off. I love jeggings. They are my new favorite kind of pants. This is why:
1. They are super compfy
2. These specific jeggings were called "Rockstar Jeggings" which made me feel totally rad alllll day. I did my eyes extra smoky to play the part.
3. They fit into boots really well.
4. They do great things for your bum. Well, at least they did for mine.
Hello tush.
Bad pic. But, believe me, it was looking good.
Is it awkward to blog about your tush?
ANYWAY. Thanks for reading!! Linking up with Lindsey here:
YOU are hilarious! I LOVE IT! To answer your ?, I think that the first outfit is really cute on you. The skirt is FINE!!!