Current Stats at of 3/12/14:
Approx. 1,500 daily blog page views
Approx. 58,000 monthly blog page views
2522 Facebook Fans
Sponsor Package Deluxe: Receive a 300 x 150 ad spot on my sidebar, and one post introducing your blog, company, shop, etc, and which can include a giveaway if you would like! I will also help promote your blog/shop on my social networks throughout your sponsorship.
Current Rates: Email me at
Sponsor Package Basic: Receive a 150 x 150 ad spot on my sidebar and one post introducing your blog, company, shop, etc.
Current Rates: Email me at
Sponsored Giveaway options are available. Contact me for details.
Product Reviews
I would be happy to review your product and share it with my followers as long as it is a good fit with my blog.
Have something else in mind? I'm open for ideas, let me hear them :)
Shoot me an email if you are interested in any of these options: I would love to have the opportunity to work with you!