Awkward and Awesome Thursdays!

-I had a dream that I birthed a sheep. Like, it came out kind of a human baby, but then it turned into a sheep. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN.

-Going to the gym, and making a BEE LINE for the elliptical with the built in fan only to realize that the person I just cut off on my way to the machine and who chose the one next to me was an old fling from freshman year.  Sooo yeahhh. I'll just elliptical next to you awkwardly for the next 40 minutes because now I can't switch machines or you will know exactly why. Of all the people to cut off...

-Walking straight into a potted fern downtown. Like...I'm walking de da da....WHAM. Potted fern all up in my face. The people standing outside a bar down the street were really amused by that one...

-Crouching down to plug in my computer charger while wearing a dress in an outlet right next to an air vent. Wowzas I am no Marilyn Monroe. 

-Saying hello to the squirrels on campus, cause I think they are so cute, and then realizing there was someone walking right behind be. I'm not crazy I promise!! I just like squirrels.

-So my school has this new panini line in the cafeteria. One day for lunch I went through the line, was handed my sandwich, and then sat down to eat it. Except, when I took a bite I knew immmmdeiatly it was not my ham-cheddar-cream cheese-onion and rather a dry and icky turkey-lettuce. So I spit it out. On my plate. And then went back to the panini line and found my sandwich. The panini-maker asked for mine back. So I gave it to her with a "ermmm I kinda took a bite already..." and then ran away before whose ever turkey-lettuce it actually was could come take a bit out of my sandwich and spit it out on my plate....

This baby was all mine.

-I'm going home this weekend! I'll get to see my man :) Also, I'm going home for a job interview, which is extra exciting. Commence plan get-a-job-lined-up-so-we-dont-have-to-live-in-a-box-when-we-get-married pronto. 

-Receiving this compliment on a dress I wore from a very masculine man "your dress is so sparkly/creative/cool. I love it" Why thank you. I've never been told I was sparkly, creative, AND cool all at once. 

-Having friends tell me that when they type into their web browser "my" trying to get "mygcc" (our school's student website) my blog comes up instead because they read that more. Whooo loyal readers!!!

-I'm doing a GROOPDEALZ next week! Get excited. I'm going to be jewelry-making-up-a-storm around here pretty soon!

-Fiancé randomly telling me one night how pretty I will be in my wedding dress. When I asked him what made him think of that, he said I looked so pretty in all the wedding dresses I didn't pick, that he knew I would look extra gorgeous in the one I did pick. awww. now that just melts mah heart :)


  1. What a great post! I love hearing all the cute little things. :)
    I'm sure you WILL look gorgeous in your dress. Now. GIMME some of that panini!

  2. PS I once had a dream that my sister gave birth to a penguin and only fed it Doritos. WHAT?! I know. And, AWESOME on the Groopdealz! :)

  3. 1. Birthing a sheep- made my day. thing I've heard all day. And yes...WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

    2. You're doing a GroopDealz?!?! WOW!! Congrats! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!!

    3. I talk to random animals all the time too...I was saying goodbye to my classroom's fish when my boss walked in the other day... embarrassing?

  4. Aw what a sweet, sweet man you have!! Bravo to him!!
    Have I ever told you that we like squirrels too? Yep! That's what Lil' Hunkie was last year..I made a squirrel tail and added it to sweats!! Ha! Got no clue this time!
    Excited about your groupdealz!! Can't wait!!

  5. You are hilarious. If everyone in my house wasn't asleep I would have been laughing out loud at all of your embarrassing moments! :) Made my night. :)


  6. BAHAHAHA! love when you do this. Your Awkward moments are just too awesome! Birthing a sheep! haha!

  7. Hahaha... I enjoyed reading your post. Weird dreams- I keep getting them on a regular basis. The best way to deal with them is to blog about them ;)
    Have fun at home and all the best with the job search.
