Top 10 Posts of 2011

So, my one year blog anniversary is coming up on Jan. 7th, so really my top posts for this year are just the top posts I've ever done!

Sidebar: what are the chances of gaining 26 followers  in a week? That would just put me at the perfect benchmark for my year anniversary. That's right. I'm talking the big 1-0-0-0. If you have any friends looking for blogs to read....send them my way. lol!!

But anyway, here are my top 10 posts from the year!

Number 10

Number 9

Number 8

Number 7

Number 6

Number 5

Number 4

Number 3

Number 2

Number 1

Hope you all are having a good holiday season! I'm excited to ring in the new year, 2012 is going to be a big year for me with lots of changes!!


  1. I've been a long time reader but never thought to follow you since im on a mobile device and read most of my blogs that way! so u just added u to my following list hope you make 1000!

  2. love all of your projects...but then again, you already know that :) You're so close to 10000!!!!

  3. Great job on all projects. Good luck on the big 1000!

  4. Your blog took off like a rocket for it's first year! Congrats!!! Your lace/pearl pin was te inspiration for my corsages I made for my sil's baby shower :)

  5. Wow! How in the world did you get almost 1000 followers in a year?!

    I love the sheet music flowers. So pretty!


  6. Great favorites! I had to pin quite a few of them. I really like how you used the ribbon connectores on the ribbon necklaces. I need some of those!

    Christine @
