Your Whims Wednesday #37 {And Features}

It's time for another party!!! 

Your Whims Wednesday

Here are some of my favorite link-ups from last week:

Felt Flowers Simple Elegance Wreath by Somewhere in the Middle

Hounds tooth Baby Shoes by A Jennuine Life

Ornament Wreath by My Covered Bridge

Brown Butter Dark Chocolate Chunk Toffee Cookies by Purplest Pecalin

Taylor Swift Styling by Love Notes By Lauryn 

 Thanks to all who linked up! Grab a button if you were featured :)

Featured on My Girlish Whims

Now... onto this weeks party!

I show off my girlish whims weekly on my blog, and now I want to see yours with 
Your Whims Wednesday!

1. Link up as many projects as you would like: as long as it is one of your girly ways, you can link it! I'd love to see crafts, recipes, style posts, etc. Anything and everything feminine :)
2.Please add my button (code below) to either your blog post or somewhere on your blog. 
3. Take a quick moment to comment on at least one other entry. We we all love comments!! 
4.I'd love if you would follow me as well :)


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! Found you via Southern Lovely! Enjoy the rest of your week and happy holidays!

  2. Hi Rebecca! Thanks so much for the party!!!

  3. Thanks for another great party! Have a great week!

  4. I wanna celebrate next Wednesday with you !!!

  5. Thanks for hosting, Rebecca! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  6. For Christmas, (I am making a lot of my gifts) so, I linked up my DIY Family Board Game that is all about YOUR family-whoever YOU are! Thanks for hosting and have a great day!

  7. Thanks for hosting, always a pleasure to be a guest. Diane

  8. Thanks so much for featuring my wreath! Great link-ups this week!
