PSA Stamp Winner & Sponsor

The winner of the PSA Essentials Stamp giveaway is....

Congrats! I'll be emailing you :)

Also, if you are interested in sponsoring My Girlish Whims in April, here are my current stats/rates!

Current Stats:
Approx. 1,200 daily blog page views
Approx. 33,000 monthly blog page views
532 Facebook Fans

Sponsor Package Deluxe: Receive a 300 x 150 ad spot on my sidebar, and one post introducing your blog, company, shop, etc, and another post with a giveaway if you would like! I will also make you the sponsor of one of my weekly link parties, Your Whims Wednesday, and put your button on that page as well. I will also help promote your blog/shop on my social networks throughout your sponsorship. 

Current Rate: $14 for one month or $28 for three months

Sponsor Package Basic: Receive a 150 x 150 ad spot on my sidebar and one post introducing your blog, company, shop, etc, wtih a giveaway if you would like! I will also help promote your blog/shop on my social networks throughout your sponsorship.
Current Rate: $10 for one month or $20 for three months.

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