Your Whims Wednesdday #88 {And Features}

Time for another Your Whims Wednesday party!

If you're reading this Tuesday night...can you BELIEVE there are only three more weeks until Christmas!! Yippee! :)

Your Whims Wednesday

Here are some of my favorites from last week!

Christmas Tree Wall by Turtles and Tails
Christmas branch tree on the wall - Turtles and Tails blog

No-Sew Ribbon Tree Skirt by The DIY Dreamer

Master Bedroom Redo by Home Happy Home

DIY Winter Snowflake Garland by ReMade Simple
Thanks to all who linked up! Grab a button if you were featured :)

Featured on My Girlish Whims

Now... onto this weeks party!

I show off my girlish whims weekly on my blog, and now I want to see yours with 
Your Whims Wednesday!

1. Link up as many projects as you would like: as long as it is one of your girly ways, you can link it! I'd love to see crafts, recipes, style posts, etc. Anything and everything feminine :)
2.Please add my button (code at the top of this post) to either your blog post or somewhere on your blog. 
3. Take a quick moment to comment on at least one other entry. We we all love comments!! 
4.I'd love if you would follow me as well :)


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  1. Oh my goodness!!!! Thanks sooo much for featuring my No Sew Ribbon Tree Skirt!!

  2. I had no idea that it was only 3 weeks left!!!!

  3. I am happy to be linking here this week, thanks so much for this wonderful party. Happy Tuesday!{Hugs}

  4. Hi Rebecca! Thank you so much for hosting, so great to see all the crafty projects! Have a happy week

  5. yay Christmas!!! thanks for hosting, have a great week

  6. Love this link party! so many great ideas shared!
