My Girlish Whims Turns 3 - GIVEAWAY!

Three years ago today I posted my FIRST tutorial to the internet ever. Wow, what a long way I have come!

I have certainly learned a lot about blogging over the past few years. Using a good camera, posting BIG photos, focusing on my niche, etc. I have also enjoyed being a part of the "blogging community" for the past few years as well.  I've followed some bloggers for the full three years and watched them blog about getting pregnant and having a baby and they are like full grown by now! Or...ya know...two. Same difference. 

 I've have some pretty big changes in the past three years as well.  When I posted on January 7th 2011 I was home on winter break before going back to school to finish out my junior year in college. A couple months later I would be get engaged and then married and then here I am a wife almost married for two years!!! 

It's fun to have a blogiversary near the beginning of the year - it's a good time to regroup.  This year I want to try to focus on connecting more with my blog. I want to post more about my life and try to connect more with my readers and other bloggers.  I think I got more comments when I started blogging than I do now. Three years ago we didn't have pinterest so if you liked something you commented on it! Now it's just so easy to pin something to save it for later and never really give a shout back to the blogger to let them know you appreciate them sharing. I want to be better at that this year and maybe it will come full circle :)

As a fun little way to kick off the year and celebrate my past three years of blogging, I've put together a little giveaway of some beading goodies!

In the mix are some charms, pendants, crystals, and a bunch of green beads because I never wear or make anything in green haha. Just one of those colors that is not for me! So another green lover can enjoy them.

The giveaway is open to US only. Enter in the widget below!

THANK YOU for following My Girlish Whims. Here's to a new year of blogging and a new year of being inspired! 


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! Thank you for the chance to win! I've followed you for about two years now and I love it when your posts pop up in my reader. I always look forward to what you have to share. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

  2. well done on all you have achieved over the past 3 years!!

  3. Congrats and thank you for having the giveaway! I love your jewelry making tutorials!

  4. My cell service is being wonky at the moment so I apologize if this is a duplicate. Basically, I love your blog and your tutorials are fantastic. So excited to see what the coming year bring to My Girlish Whims!

  5. Followed for awhile now. Congrats on the anniversary!

  6. Congrats

  7. i have only been following you for a little while but really enjoy your ideas!!

  8. I came across your blog almost 2 years ago when I was trying to get back into jewelry making. I have yet to make anything since I first started beading a few years ago since I haven't really had time due to work and business travel. But your blog has provided me inspiration for what kind of jewelry I can make easily and not have to go and purchase in a store. I hope to get back into it! I would hope we would be friends in real life and have jewelry making parties all the time :) (aka you teaching me all your tips and tricks and fixing my mistakes all over wine and a good movie/reality tv)

  9. I have followed for maybe about 8 months? I'm not exactly sure because time flies when you're having fun! :)

    Diane @ Vintage Zest

  10. Congrats to you and thanks for the chance to win.

  11. I think I've been following your blog for about a year now?? Fun fact--I think we have the same wedding anniversary! Same date AND same year. I love the fun and colorful jewelry pieces you put together--you would think that in such a crafty blogosphere there'd be more jewelry blogs, but I feel like they're few and far between. Thanks for coming up with so many great ideas!

  12. I found your blog by following the earrings you made for your bridesmaids and I've been hooked ever since. You have made me laugh - I mean the "roll on the floor til tears start flowing" laugh. I almost feel like I've "grown up" with you. Thank you and Happy Anniversary!

  13. Thank you for the chance to win this. And yes I am sure if you lived next door we would BFF's

  14. Congrats on your blogiversary. I have followed you for about a year and love your Jewelery tutorials. I have learned a lot from your blog. Good job!!!

    Thanks for having the giveaway.


  15. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!
    I love your blog...I love entering the giveaways, and really enjoy reading your crafty posts....I've gotten some great ideas for jewelry making. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! My daughter and I love using beads for making earrings and bracelets, and I often use them in my crocheting. is my favorite color, so I'm especially hopeful to win this great giveaway. :) And again...congrats!!

  16. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. I love to follow your blog because of the variety you offer. You always seem to have an upbeat feel. Thanks so much for all you offer.

  17. Wow, three years? Congrats! I'm not quite sure when I first started following, but I look forward to reading your posts. You are so creative it is inspiring <3
    Good luck for your bloggy future! :D

  18. Congrats on your three year anniversary! I've been a follower for at least two years now . . . maybe even a little longer. I will admit, I'm a bit sporadic, it depends on what's going on with life. I love your linky party every week--that's why I first came around. I think we'd totally be BFFs if we lived close enough! (I do have family near Phily, so some day we totally SHOULD get together!)

  19. to be honest I don't know how long ive been here,,id hope we would be bffs,even though im probably old enough to be your Mother,,but I have lots of younger friends

  20. Congrats on 3 years girlie!! I can't remember how long I've been following you but I remember you getting engaged!! I think you are so right about comments and Pinterest. Interesting how Pinterest changed things! Anyway, you are one of my all time bloggers! Happy Anniversary! :)

  21. Congrats on your blogiversary. I think I've been following a little over a year. I could not tell you how I found you, but you weren't married yet when I started reading!

  22. I bet we'd have tons of fun if you were my neighbor. we could check out each others stashes and do some trades and make stuff together!

  23. HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY! I hope you have many happy bloggy days ahead! I am a gfc follower and a fb liker. Thanks so much

  24. Congratulations! :-) I just found your website recently and love it ♥

  25. Way to make it 3 years! Congrats. I found you through your link up - what a great collection of posts each week!

  26. Congratulations, Rebecca! Wish you many more years of success. We would so be bffs if we lived next door to each other. We'd be raiding each others craft rooms daily, lol.

  27. Congrats on your Anniversary! Would totally be BFF's if you lived next door! :-)
    Angi Mullis

  28. I absolutely love what a confident young woman you are! Keep at it!

  29. You make great stuff. I'm a new Bloglovin follower. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  30. i just found your blog, congrats on your blogaversery!!!

  31. Just found you all :) Love your blog and Congrats <3

  32. I just found your site & I think it's awesome! I love making jewelry! I really like that you have the step by step tutorials & you show how to make designer pieces for just a fraction of the cost (gotta watch that budget!). Green is mine & my son's favorite color too. No such thing as too much green is there? If we lived next door to each other I bet we'd not only be bff's, but that we'd be up to no good more often than not! lol Congrats on your blogaversary, way to go girl!

  33. Time sure flies. Here's to many more blogging years ahead!

  34. Green is my favorite color!!! I just discovered you on Bloglovin.

  35. I've recently started following your blog and have enjoyed reading about your creations and inspirations. Thanks!

  36. I've been a follower for a good long time and LOVE seeing you blog posts in my email box. Even the name of your blog just draws me in! I love being one of your followers!! There's always something interesting to find out and learn about!

  37. I love your jewelry tutorials, I have been following around a year now.

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  38. I found you about about a year ago as well. I love your tutorials :)

  39. I love your blog. You have talent that I have tried to imitate. I cannot. I give up on jewelry making, but one of my best friends is a beading whiz, and I'd love to win all these things for her.

  40. Congratulations on your "blogaversery" (is that a word?)! This is my first time seeing your blog - I'm here via a link-up at "Someday Crafts."
    Good fortune on your goals, and I can't wait to see more. :)

  41. I definitely think we would be best friends if you lived next door!

  42. I'm a brand new reader, and I really love your tutorials!

    bonnechanceb at gmail dot com

  43. Sounds like an exciting past 3 years :)

  44. Just found your blog and I love it!

  45. Ive just recently found you but you seem pretty cool!

  46. email
