shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and U by Kotex
but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #UbyKotex
I have such a fun deal to share with you all today! I'm always such a sucker for freebie deals :) As ladies every month we get stuck buying pads and tampons. Definitely not my favorite purchase to make every month! Luckily though this month I was shopping at Walmart (a must for these necessities since they have the best prices) and found that while supplies last you can get a FREE set of Goody Hair Elastics with a U by Kotex Sleek Tampon and Cleanwear pads purchase! (The goody elastics will be attached to the box)
I love the design of the Kotex tampons and pads. There's not much else "exciting" about that time of the month so having some cheerful feminine products brings me at least a little joy ;)
I buy the Kotex brand because having full coverage at the gym in my Zumba class is a MUST. I always keep a spare in my gym bag in case I get caught off gaurd!!
There are a lot of really fun things about my Zumba class. I burn 500-600 calories at every class, get to workout to fun dance songs, wear cute gym clothes (I just love this blue set I just bought!!), and I FINALLY made a friend in my class so I actually have someone to talk to before class instead of standing awkwardly by myself staring at my shoes.....
There are also a lot of pretty funny/awkward situations at Zumba class. First off, you are encouraged to shake whatchayo momma gave ya. I have quite perfected the booty shake and am pretty proud of myself for that. :) I decided NOT to share a video but here is an up close and personal sneak peak of my rear-end mid shake:
Hah! There is a lot of booty and booby shaking going on during our songs. But however funny I feel shaking my butt in front of everyone there's always a grandmom who manages to do it better than me! Seriously. There is this 65 year old woman in my Saturday class who could whoop me on the dance floor any day. Some of the moves in that class are also pretttttty suggestive which just makes it so much better because the grandmom rocks them all too.
There is also always a TON of sweat happening in class. I'm lucky because I mostly sweat from my did I just say lucky???... ok not really lucky because then my face turns bright red during class...but at least I don't sweat as much from...other areas which becomes quite prevalent at the end of class when everyone is bending over to stretch!!! There is always one guy who comes to my Monday class that always dresses so nicely in coordinating workout clothes but lord bless him his fancy little shorts have crack sweat ALL up and down his rear by the time he leaves.
Every week without fail my Zumba friend also manages so sweat so bad she sweats off her mascara! I didn't even know that could happen!! She tries to fix it at the end of class but it just ends up smearing more. The yoga people who come in after us must think we are a mess. Sweaty cracks and raccoon eyes galore.
So, obviously there are a LOT of awkward situations in my Zumba class. But you know what? Shaking your butt and sweating through your pants has just come to be expected in class. You know what isn't expected though? Having your period leak. A lot of body shaking and moving and sweating can be forgiven during Zumba but having your period leak is just one awkward situation that is NOT expected and would be WAY too embarrassing if it happened. Luckily with the full coverage of Kotex the only thing I really have to worry about in class is if grandma is going to out-shake me AGAIN and what move is coming up next.
Whatever your workout routine may be: Zumba classes or Yoga classes or just working out in front of your TV in your living room, your period is never something you want to have to worry about while exercising. Cover yourself with the full coverage of Kotex, and be sure to take advantage of the free Goody Hair Elastics available at select Walmarts!
There is also always a TON of sweat happening in class. I'm lucky because I mostly sweat from my did I just say lucky???... ok not really lucky because then my face turns bright red during class...but at least I don't sweat as much from...other areas which becomes quite prevalent at the end of class when everyone is bending over to stretch!!! There is always one guy who comes to my Monday class that always dresses so nicely in coordinating workout clothes but lord bless him his fancy little shorts have crack sweat ALL up and down his rear by the time he leaves.
Every week without fail my Zumba friend also manages so sweat so bad she sweats off her mascara! I didn't even know that could happen!! She tries to fix it at the end of class but it just ends up smearing more. The yoga people who come in after us must think we are a mess. Sweaty cracks and raccoon eyes galore.
So, obviously there are a LOT of awkward situations in my Zumba class. But you know what? Shaking your butt and sweating through your pants has just come to be expected in class. You know what isn't expected though? Having your period leak. A lot of body shaking and moving and sweating can be forgiven during Zumba but having your period leak is just one awkward situation that is NOT expected and would be WAY too embarrassing if it happened. Luckily with the full coverage of Kotex the only thing I really have to worry about in class is if grandma is going to out-shake me AGAIN and what move is coming up next.
Whatever your workout routine may be: Zumba classes or Yoga classes or just working out in front of your TV in your living room, your period is never something you want to have to worry about while exercising. Cover yourself with the full coverage of Kotex, and be sure to take advantage of the free Goody Hair Elastics available at select Walmarts!
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