Mermaid Necklace Tutorial

I've titled this DIY Jewelry Tutorial the Mermaid Necklace.  However, no need to start singing Part of Your World or combing your hair with a fork because I don't literally mean a necklace a Mermaid would wear, but when I look at the finished product I'm definitely getting a sea-vibe from it.

I think that these pretty blue/green glass drop beads are what make it feel so beachy and elegant at the same time. Whatever the reason, I love how this necklace turned out!

Also! If jewelry making is not your thing this necklace is for sale in my etsy shop!

DIY Mermaid Inspired Necklace Tutorial

For this project you will need: teardrop beads (I used these pretty blue and green teardrop beads from Wholeport), gold spacer beads, head pins, eye pins (not pictured), gold chain, jump rings, a clasp, needle nose pliers, round nose pliers, and wire cutters. 


This necklace is made up of a bunch of links of the teardrop beads.  For each chain of beads you will need one bottom bead on a head pin, and the rest put on eye pins to be able to connect to the next bead.  So, first step is to string a teardrop bead and a spacer bead onto a headpin.

Bend the wire 90 degrees using needle nose pliers.

Trim off most of the wire leaving only a short tail with wire cutters.

Grab the end of the tail with round nose pliers and bend the wire around the pliers forming a loop

Next, string a teardrop bead and a spacer bead onto an eye pin

Create a loop at the top just like we did for the first bead.

Next, attach the first bead to the bottom loop on the second bead using needle nose pliers to squeeze the loop open and shut.

Keep building your chain of beads:

Continue for however long you want your necklace to be.  My longest link was six beads long.

Next up grab some chain.  I decided to go with a heftier chain than the gold chain I originally pictured - so glad I did! I think it helps balance out the beads better than a thinner chain would have. 

Snip the chain to your desired length using wire cutters

Find the center of the chain and attach the longest link to it using a jump ring and needle nose pliers

Do the same thing for the rest of the links

Lastly, attach a clasp to the back of the necklace using jump rings

All done! Step back and enjoy the stunning new necklace you've just created :)


The color of these beads I think just makes the necklace, but it still would be pretty with a solid color for a different look.  

Hey, if I was Ariel I would wear it :)  And you know, if I was a human like I am I'd be ok with having it in my collection as well.

I'll be linking up to these parties:


  1. LOVE IT. If I ever get into making jewelery I am so recreating this!

  2. Wow is amazing necklase!!!Looks like raining drops!Very good chois of beads!
    Thanks so much for the tutorial!

  3. Oh, wow. This is beautiful. Wonderful job.

  4. This is all kinds of gorgeous! You've outdone yourself.

  5. Soooo pretty! Turquoise and gold is one of my favourite colour combos~

  6. I've created similar styles. Very nice tutorial : )


  7. Beautiful! I'd love if you'd like up to The DIY'ers:

  8. Wow! Very beautiful!

    Stopping in from the Get your craft on linky party!

  9. oh my gosh, super pretty! I love the different variations, so slight.

  10. Beautiful!! Would love it if you checked out my jewelry!!

  11. I love the colors you chose! Very Pretty!

  12. Love this! It's so simple, yet elegant! Thanks for sharing it :)

  13. Very pretty, need to rename has no chain mail design in it.

  14. All simply gorgeous. Thank you. I used to make jewelry but never did wire-wrapped. Very inspiring!Eva
