ZUMBA - Using my Savings from my Cheap Wireless Plan

You may remember back in June I discussed how I've been trying out the Walmart Family Mobile plan.  I was excited to try a new cheap wireless plan that was affordable AND had unlimited data.  I've been on a plan that shares data between my hubby and I - and we are on our phones a LOT and use a LOT of data! Overage fees can be CRAZY expensive and it's just not a fun situation to be in!!

So this past month I've been able to try out a little something different! I've had a great experience with Walmart Family Mobile - there has been great service in my area, its easy to keep track of your plan with the online account management and information, but the unlimited talk, text and data for $40 a month is what really won me over! Since I've been able to save a little extra cash monthly - I've been trying something new out....


Selfie sans contacts/makeup before a Zumba class :)

I've JUST recently joined in the Zumba craze!! I've heard great things about it - my sister (seen below) started working out a few years ago doing Zumba and lost a lot of weight.  She enjoyed it so much she became an instructor and now teaches weekly! But, my sister lives an hour and a half away from me - so I can't go to her classes every week.

So, I started going to some local classes! I had been paying $7 a class to attend one Zumba class every week - which was $28 every month.  Since I've been saving with my cheap wireless plan with NO contract, I decided to dive in and join a gym! Now I pay $35 every month that allows me to go to a class five days a week....if I was really dedicated :)  I go to about 2-3 classes every week and have really enjoyed shaking my booty and sweating a lot!!! Seriously, one hour of Zumba goes by SO much faster than 40 minutes on the treadmill.  I love it!

If I hadn't been able to save some cash by using the Walmart Family Mobile plan I don't think I would have been willing to commit to a gym membership.  What's something new that YOU would try if you had a little extra cash to spare??

To read about my full experience shopping for the Walmart Family Mobile plan, visit my Google + album! #FamilyMobileSaves #cbias

1 comment

  1. I've heard great things about Zumba and certainly a great sign that your sister became an instructor! The simple truth is that a budget can only stretch so far and cutting back on your regular expenses and finding ways to save is a great way to afford new things you want to try or purchase! Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
